Scholarsip and hand-On Learning program

Project of scholarshiph and Hand-On program

Project of Scholarship

Project Summary

Title: Project of scholarship

Number of beneficiary of the project: 135 children

Organization proposing the project: OHDD “Organisation Haïtienne pour le Développement Durable”

Project goal:

To facilitate more children in 2e Plaine (second Communal section of Petit-Goâve) have access with school. Endow the country with more humane resources that will be able to produce better reflections.  Ameliorate the living condition of the population there by making formal and informal education of children. While learning them some professions as arts, tailor, music, and other.

Action plan:

Pay school fees for 135 children;

Buy school supplies as: books, notebooks, uniforms and other … for the children;

Social and educational assistance for the children.

Total need: $ 28 756.15 US (100%)

OHDD contribution: $ 9 837.25 US (34.2%)

OHDD looking for: 31 827.9 US (65.8%)

Duration of the project: 12 months

I – Statement of Needs

I.1. – Background Information:

Community Demographics:

2e Plaine is the 2nd communal Section of Petit-Goâve in the West Department of Haiti. It is situated 12 km south of Petit-Goâve and 75 km from Port-Au-Prince, closed to the national road number 2 that connects Port-au-Prince with Les Cayes (South department). It has a population of about 16 000 people. Roughly 60 percent of the inhabitants are of school age. There are primary and secondary schools but no university.  And, unfortunately these schools are not sufficient. Only four primary schools and one secondary school without good staff assistance. To receive a suitable education, the children have to go to the town center (Petit-Goâve) or/ and Miragoâne.

The majority of the inhabitants of Delattre are peasants /farmers.  There is no other activity there, even a maché. The major cash crops in 2e Plaine are corn, millet, Congo beans, pistachio nuts, and manioc. Other crops or plants include cane-of-sugar, mango, bananas, citrus, and breadfruit.

About the Organization:

OHDD (Organisation Haïtienne pour le Développement Durable) was founded on May 25th, 2005, and registered as an organization on December 21th, 2007. The organization has 76 members and a Board of Directors of 9 People.

It is a social and non-profit organization working in Petit Goâve since 2005. They have envisioned the development of a community center that includes scholarship for orphaning children, tree nursery, soil conservation, and formation in nursery management, soil conservation and human right, community sanitation, Socio-education in benefit of the population. They are inspired by the essential philosophy of Platon which points out that community gathering centers, where people are able to share ideas of the arts, politics, and philosophy, are necessary for a healthy community working towards any common goal.  For Haiti, the common goal is to alleviate the impoverished condition that plagues their society.

OHDD has been working hard in the town to educate the community about environmental issues including deforestation, soil erosion, pollution through the misuse of plastics, and overpopulation.

Mission: Committed to provide a sustainable development through the Haitian community, OHDD draws his ideas from the chaotic positions that live lots of people every day. As a network of people living and facing the same situation, we approach the community with attention and from the reality we make very goods analysis. So, in analyzing the situation, we notice that it is a “sine qua non” obligation for us (Haitian) to think differently and provide a sustainable change. It becomes for us an obligation to develop our potentiality by doing the education of population while protecting our devastated environment. To do all, we give a perspective to ourselves. So our specific objective is to provide sustainable development by education, sanitation, culture, agriculture, and environment through the Haitian community.

The ambition of the organization is:

  1. To have an autonomous Haitian community where we (Haitians) are not depend on the international community aid;
  2. To diminish and eliminate the quantities of the illiterates and children moralities;
  3. To develop the Haitian natural potentiality Eco-system;
  4. To facilitate large intercultural relationship between Haitians and foreigners from wherever in the world;
  5. And then, to change the living condition of the population.

The biggest projects that OHDD have undertaken since 2005 is collaboration with HSDF (Haitian Sustainable Development Foundation) on a scholarship program to benefit different schoolchildren from ages 5 to 17 years. Other projects include teaching the population about Moringa Values, helping them to plant vegetation, making nurseries, transplanting trees through the 2e Plaine community; making seminaries to teach people how to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS, and organizing socio-cultural activities.

Description of needs:

Haiti’s Population has been growing exponentially for the past few decades and has resulted largely in towns that line the highways without any forethought into creating livable communities.  This has been mainly due to poor infrastructural planning and the overwhelming poverty. Therefore, there are hundreds of miles of highways that stretch across Haiti that have houses lining them without any town centers, parks, free spaces or civil services.

Parents, who average 2 American dollars a day, are expected to pay for their children’s education at a high premium.  More than 40% of the population is considered illiterate and school funding is at its lowest.  The need for income and lack of opportunity has resulted in many abuses to the land (that means deforestation for hard wood commerce, over planting hillsides causing erosion).

This is why OHDD feels it is important to educate children in different level and would like to create a space for children to come together and have access to information through all kinds of information, and from this information they will know more and try to have other living condition.

Goal and objective

1. – Goal

To ameliorate the living conditions of the population of 2e Plaine by:

  • Educating children who are the future of the society;
  • Letting them to know their importance in the society, and prepare them to participate in the development of their country;
  • Train them about agriculture, nursery management, and environment.
  • Social, educational, professional and health assistance.

2. – Objective

Pay school fees, buy school supplies, and uniform for 56 poor children from 5 to 17 years old.

Create a “space for children” where they will be assisted and learned to make arts, music, civism, conflict resolution, and formed in agriculture and tree nursery to give hands on experience with the most pressing problem Haiti faces: food production, deforestation.

Action Plan

The OHDD Board of Directors is responsible for:

  • Signing contracts,
  • Managing the bank account,
  • Assuring project goals are met,
  • Preparing the report,
  • Making evaluation


The duration of the project is 10 months, from October 2010 to July 2011.


The total cost of the project is $ 28 756.15 US (1 128 678.88 Gourdes) OHDD is contributing 34.2% and asking 65.8%.

Description % total Total USD OHDD Parts USD Financing
1 School fees 29.34 8 437.5 3 020 5 417.5
2 Books 11.74 3 375 1 695 1 680
3 School supplies 7.12 2 050 0.0 2 050
4 Uniform 8.8 2 531.15 1 005 1 526.15
5 Assistance 29.7 8 537.5 4 117.25 4 414.25
6 Unforeseen 10.43 3 000 0.0 3 000
7 Transportation 2.87 825 0.0 0.0
8 Total USD 100% 28 756.15 9 837.25 31 827.9
9 Total Gourdes (locale) 100% 1 128 678.88 386 112.06 1 249 245.07

V – Monitoring and Evaluation

The OHDD Management Committee will meet once a month to monitor the progress of the project and to discuss any issues or questions that arise. The OHDD Management Committee will also keep a long of all work completed during the project to facilitate the writing the final report. In addition, OHDD will create a committee of parents and hold a meeting with them once a month to evaluate and discuss the progress of the program.

The project will continue to have an impact on the population of 2e Plaine after its completion. OHDD is confident that the skills gained by the children will continue to be applied after the completion of the project. And determinate to renew the program yearly while taking more children and create more activities through the space for children.

To donate click HERE

By the Board Director.

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